
Color Management on Qt with LittleCMS

I’ve been using Qt, by Qt Group for years and I must confess I am delighted. Many toolkits promises the mantra “Code once and run everywhere”, but indeed this works with Qt. Qt6 was announced few days ago. They now include some sort of color management on images QColorSpace, but still no neat way to use complex ICC V4 pipelines.




In this small article I will show you how to do true RGB color management in Qt, by using LittleCMS, with very few lines of code.

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Browser check

It is Browser color management check day!

As some users asked for this, I am recovering an old test I posted in lcms blog many years ago. Basically, it uses special images with crafted embedded profiles. If profiles are correctly honored, a text will show up. But not all web browsers behave equally.

Here are the old tests. They only check V2 compatibility.

Test 1

Test 2

No surprises. The images are using embedded profiles to do the trick. A self-explanatory text shows up on each image.

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Babl throughput comparative

From time to time, I discover wonderful things like this:

GIMP 2.10 release notes

“GIMP now uses LittleCMS v2, which allows it to use ICC v4 color profiles. It also partially relies on the babl library for handling color transforms, since babl is simply up to 10 times faster than LCMS2 for the cases we tested both of them on. Eventually babl could replace LittleCMS in GIMP.”

OMG! something seems very wrong with the Little CMS engine!! How it can be so slow despite all optimizations it internally has? Should I plan a major rewrite for those parts?

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Visualizing gamuts

Days ago, a very interesting question arose in the mailing list.

How can I visualiza the gamut of a profile?

Little CMS does not offer direct tools to do that. But with some code, it is easy to do so. Be warned there is some hacking required.

A typical profile can be thought as a “black box” that translates values from a colorimetric space, usually CIE L*a*b*, to a device space. For example, RGB in a screen profile. Since the range of realizable colors (the gamut) is limited on real devices, not all Lab values would have a corresponding RGB. Only the Lab values that are inside monitor gamut would be displayed.

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